Privacy policy

Inotsu Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) considers the proper handling and protection of personal information necessary for its business operations to be a social responsibility, and promotes efforts based on the following policy.

The Company shall not be liable for any loss or damage arising out of the use of the Company’s products or services by its directors, officers and all employees (including temporary staff, part-time workers, etc.). The same shall apply hereinafter) (including temporary staff, part-time workers, etc.) will comply with all laws and regulations regarding the protection of personal information and will make every effort to protect personal information.

We will acquire personal information in an appropriate manner and use it within the scope of the purpose of use clearly specified in advance. We will not provide personal information to third parties, except with the consent of the person concerned or in accordance with legal requirements.

We take the utmost care in managing personal information and take necessary and appropriate measures to prevent unauthorized access, leakage, loss, or falsification. In addition, we will provide appropriate training to our employees to improve their knowledge and awareness, and when outsourcing the handling of personal information, we will screen the outsourcing company and provide necessary and appropriate supervision.

If a customer requests disclosure, correction, or suspension of use of personal data held by the Company, the Company will endeavor to respond promptly to the request at the contact point below. If we decide not to comply with the request in accordance with laws and regulations, we will explain the reason for not doing so.

We are committed to continually improving our efforts to protect personal information. Therefore, this protection policy may be changed without prior notice.

The contact information for questions and inquiries concerning personal information is as follows. Please be advised that we may need to verify your identity to the extent necessary to respond to your inquiry. We will strive to continuously improve our protection efforts. Therefore, this protection policy is subject to change without notice.

1-5-1 Motomachi, Tokushima-shi, Tokushima

March 18, 2006
Inotsu Co., Ltd.
Tamiko Nakamura, President and Representative Director